Dr. James J. Corbett

James J. Corbett

Dr. Corbett is a principal partner with Energy and Environmental Research Associates, LLC, with more than two decades expertise providing engineering, technology, and policy studies to industry, government, and other organizations. Expertise includes economic and policy analysis, transportation modeling, and energy and environmental systems analysis. Early in his career, he worked for an oil major engaged in transporting crude product and refined product in the U.S. energy coastal energy markets. He performs multi-fuel emissions inventories and controls assessments, cost-effectiveness and benefit-cost analyses; fate/transport/health impacts modeling; geospatial multimodal transportation modeling, and quantitative risk analyses. He is a recognized international expert in transportation energy, freight energy, and shipping energy sectors.

Among more than 175 publications, Dr. Corbett coauthored the 2000 IMO Study on Greenhouse Gases from Ships, the Second IMO Greenhouse Gas Study 2009, and the IMO Greenhouse Gas Study 2014. Recently, he has authored journal papers and reports considering the cobenefits and tradeoffs of LNG as a marine fuel. Dr. Corbett received his Ph.D. in Engineering and Public Policy (EPP) from Carnegie Mellon University, where he also earned M.S. degrees in the departments of EPP and Mechanical Engineering.

Dr. Corbett is not currently available to work on EERA projects

Contact: jcorbett@eera.io